Top 6 Ways To Buy A Used Vacuum Cleaners

Dyson makes Lots of different products Nowadays, from fans to hand dryers, but

The company spends countless
Dollars every year on research and development, merely to create machines that suck
Dirt out of your carpet better than ever before.
One of those innovations takes center stage at the DC65 Cinetic Big Ball Upright
Animal+Allergy, which substitutes Dyson's own Cinetic technology for a conventional filter,
And allegedly loses no suction in the procedure. We fired one up to see if it dirt

Like previous vacuums, Dyson sets its obsessive engineering on display in the
Design of the DC65 Cinetic Big Ball. This is not a slick, pretty-looking vacuum that
Hides its inner workings -- Dyson spent over six decades and $200 million
Developing the technology within the beast, and it's not shy about displaying all
those crazy-ass features. It looks less like a vacuum cleaner and more like an alien suction
Weapon that somebody smuggled out of Area 51.
Despite being relatively hefty compared to most upright vacuums at 19.8
Pounds, the Big Ball moves around the floor with such grace and agility that you
hardly notice its mass.
Which allows you to swivel and tilt the vacuum into turns for maximum
This isn't a slick, pretty-looking vacuum which hides its inner
It is worth mentioning that the vacuum stays corded, so even with these

Would be using a cordless model. That said, Dyson outfitted the machine using a
Ridiculously-long cord, which means that you can cover larger areas without needing to
switch outlets. In general, it's pretty easy to whip around your property.

Big Ball sports a lot of bells and whistles.
First, and most importantly, there's Dyson's Cinetic technology, which isn't new or
Unique to this particular version of vacuum, but it's still pretty awesome. In a nutshell,
It's an array of different conical tips that vibrate in an absurdly fast rate -- thereby
Preventing dirt from getting stuck on them and clogging up the vacuum. So not only
Are such vacs completely bagless, they're also filter free -- so they never lose
Suction and you never need to buy replacement parts.
Also included on the vacuum is Dyson's self-adjusting cleaner head. The baseplate

Unbroken seal which removes dust from carpet just as well as it does from hardwood
floors. Close-edge pick-up technology also means that the vac head can wash right
Up to the edge of your baseboards -- you do not get that ribbon of unreachable dirt

The term "feature-packed" almost doesn't do it justice.
Dyson's Tangle Free Turbine Tool attachment makes an appearance in the Big Ball
Package also, which is yet another brilliant innovation from Dyson engineers. This
Little sucker fits onto the vacuum's hose and uses a set of counter-rotating bristle
It's insanely handy if you live with

Other little flourishes -- like a sterile bin emptying system, or Dyson's instantrelease
Suction wand-- exist at every corner. The term "feature-packed"
Almost doesn't do it justice.
When we used our trusty iPhone sound meter program to take a sound level reading, the
For comparison's
Sake, that's about as loud as the average bike, heard from about 25 feet
It is a bit louder than most of the other vacuums we've examined, and also has a bit of a
High-frequency squeal to it (particularly if you switch to hose style). This isn't
Unbearable by any means, but it also is not very pleasant. You May Want to pick up
Some earplugs if you plan on purchasing one of these bad boys.
To get a sense of how Dyson's Most Recent vac performs, we ran it through our testing
gauntlet. We begin by dumping 100 grams of flour, sand, and rice onto a 5 x 3 foot
After one full minute of walking on it -- and grinding each individual

1 full minute. At the end, we consider the contents of this dustbin to see how much of
The original 100 grams it sucked up.
For the first test, the Big Ball managed to suck up a mean of 89 grams of flour.
That's not too shabby. In fact, it's really great. Our benchmark vacuum (a corded
Royal Pro Series UR30095) did not even perform that well, coming in at just 82 grams
Of flour typically.
Next we moved up to larger, heavier grains with the sand test. Most vacuums
Battle on this around, and as the Big Ball is not just an exception, it did do a
Better job than most high-end corded vacuums we have tested. When it was all said
And done, the vac picked up an average of 71 g of sand -- once again, just a
Couple g higher than our reference vacuum, which picked up an average of 67
You May Want to pick up some earplugs if you plan on purchasing
One of these bad boys.
The rice test is where most vacuums shine, but in this final text, the Cinetic Big Ball
did particularly well. It picked up an average of 99 g of the 100 we put down.
That is pretty impressive, especially considering how aggressively we grind it into the
Carpet before we begin vacuuming.
Dyson claims that vacuums using its Cinetic technology are the first that really don't
Lose suction through constant use, since there's no filter to clog.
Claim, rather than an easy one to simulate in a laboratory correctly, but anecdotally, we
Noticed no drop in performance during out testing, even when the dust bin was full.
Furthermore, Dyson backs all of its more expensive vacuums with a five-year
warranty. So while we can not say we've run six tons of dirt through this thing to state it
Will never lose performance, we could say you'd be covered if it did.
There is no doubt in our minds that the DC65 Cinetic Big Ball is among the best
upright vacuums in the biz. The suction performance was top-notch, and All the
Other whistles and bells Dyson included helped to really round out the package.
In terms of dirt pickup, it didn't work too much better than our reference vacuum cleaner,
But a win is a win, and suction is not necessarily the only thing that matters. Dyson's
Additional additions -- the ball for maneuverability, the bagless and filter-free design, and
All of the extra attachments -- definitely gave the vacuum a nudge throughout the line that
Divides good from great.
We did not examine it for long enough to really get a sense of whether or not it loses

Insane testing procedures, we have every reason to believe it will) then the DC65
Cinetic Big Ball Animal+Allergy is definitely a cut above the rest.
Lots of attachments
Great suction performance
Loud operation


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